I previously completed a project that emulated a 6502 processor. It was my first venture into the world of emulation, and I enjoyed it. I always wanted to turn the 6502 into something more though, namely an emulator of a game console. Originally, I thought about writing an ATARI 2600 emulator but after spending a lot of time thinking about it, I have finally settled on the NES system. There are a couple of reasons why I decided on the NES over the ATARI, the biggest reason being that the NES was my first real game machine, and it holds a fondness in my heart more than just about any other machine. Hopefully, by picking a machine that I have nostalgia for increases my chance of success.
Now, lets define some parameters that I want to operate under, so I have a clearly defined goal to reach. I am shooting for a basic emulator, one that lacks anything but the most basic features required to get some of the NES games up and running. An outline of my plan is below
- Make sure that the basic CPU tests for the NES pass. I am not planning on worrying about implementing the illegal opcodes that only a small number of games use. I used a pretty comprehensive test program to validate the 6502 previously, so this should be quick, and give me a change to re-familiarize myself with the code I wrote.
- Get the graphics emulation working. I'll need to figure out how to emulate the PPU, which is the chip that drives the graphics.
- Get the audio emulation working. This should be a fun challenge!
- Input. This will be the easiest of the tasks I have to complete.
- Miscellaneous stuff. Things like loading the cartridge, and anything else
You can check out the source here
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Work Has Started
6502 Overview
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